Central Vermont Medical Center is a not-for-profit institution. We rely on payment for services provided to patients in order to remain open. The individuals in our Patient Financial Services department are here to help patients and their families understand their bill, to work with their insurance companies, or to make other payment plans as necessary. A financial representative is located on the first floor near the main lobby for your convenience.
Our Services
CVMC's Patient Financial Services staff can help you with:
- Financial Assistance with a sliding scale based on income and level of charges after insurance payment. Learn more about our financial assistance programs.
- Applications and information about Vermont State health insurance programs such as VHAP, Medicaid, Dr. Dynasaur, Crime Victims Compensation, Lady’s First health screenings.
- Monthly payment arrangements for patients who are unable to pay their balance in full.
- Insurance coverage questions
- Liability settlement questions
- Estate/Probate questions
To learn more about your bill, click here.
Out-of-Network Policy
Effective January 1, 2025, patients with health insurance that considers UVM Health Network hospitals and providers out-of-network will undergo a review process before being able to schedule an appointment. Please contact your insurer to inquire about coverage and find an in-network provider.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.
Price Transparency
A new federal price transparency regulation requires U.S. hospitals to publish data on all of the charges for services we provide. Visit our price transparency web page.
Government-Assisted Programs
The state of Vermont's Green Mountain Care is a family of low-cost and free health coverage programs for Vermonters. Green Mountain Care provides uninsured Vermonters with access to quality, comprehensive healthcare coverage at a reasonable cost, including the Dr. Dynasaur and Medicaid programs. To learn more about these programs or to find out which program is best for you, visit www.greenmountaincare.org.
Vermont Health Connect

If you are an individual or own or work for a small business without health insurance, visit Vermont Health Connect to enroll in a health plan.
Financial assistance is available for most Vermonters who buy a health plan through Vermont Health Connect.