Painting by Regis Cummings
Flowers, Faces, Familiar Places
Paintings by Regis Cummings
On display at the CVMC Art Gallery
January 14 - March 21, 2020
Artist Statement
I was born and raised in a mill town east of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Then I met a VISTA volunteer. Ann and I married, eventually moved to Massachusetts, and in 1975 we settled in Vermont. Over the years we have raised four children along with their numerous dogs, cats, rabbits, goldfish and gerbils. We now have six grandsons who, in turn, have numerous dogs, cats, rabbits, goldfish and gerbils!
I began my working career with a roofing materials manufacturer, then joined a commercial roofing contractor in Vermont doing sales and estimates. In 1984, after four years of study and preparation, I was ordained a permanent Deacon in the Catholic Dioceses of Burlington and was assigned to the Saint Augustine parish in Montpelier. As a Deacon I preach, teach, baptize, witness marriages and conduct funeral services. I’ve worked in fostering interfaith dialogue and projects. I am privileged to work with people who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, or home care because of illness or disability. I work with people at end of life and with their families. I’ve also served on a number of committees at Central Vermont Medical Center as well as the State Nursing Home Licensing Board.
My art has been informed by my life experience. I have been blessed.
THE GALLERY at Central Vermont Medical Center is located in the lobby of the hospital and is open every day. For more information about THE GALLERY at CVMC please email Maureen O’Connor Burgess, Curator, at